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- ************************************ START **************************************
- include d:gemmacro.s
- * the program proper
- start move.l 4(a7),a3 base page
- move.l #mystack,a7
- move.l $c(a3),d0 text len
- add.l $14(a3),d0 data len
- add.l $1c(a3),d0 BSS len
- add.l #$100,d0 basepage
- move.l d0,-(a7)
- move.l a3,-(a7)
- clr.w -(a7)
- move.w #$4a,-(a7)
- trap #1 shrink memory
- lea 12(a7),a7
- appl_init
- move.w d0,ap_id store the application id
- graf_handle
- move.w d0,current_handle Desktop's VDI handle
- * start by opening a virtual workstation
- lea intin,a0
- moveq #10-1,d0 -1 for DBF
- .fill move.w #1,(a0)+ most params are 1
- dbf d0,.fill
- move.w #2,(a0)+ use RC system
- v_opnvwk open it
- v_hide_c
- ********************************************************************************
- include d:macros.s
- ************************************ MAIN **************************************
- * what is the current resolution? Store it in mode1!
- xbcall #4,2
- move.w d0,mode1
- * where are the physbase and logbase? Store them in orig1 and orig2!
- xbcall #2,2
- move.l d0,orig1
- xbcall #3,2
- move.l d0,orig2
- * allocates 96k, enough for 3 screens!
- m_alloc #96256,m_start1
- * finds a good starting address for the first screen...
- scr_a_c m_start1,screen1
- * makes screen3 = screen1, then adds 32000 to screen1
- move.l screen1,screen3
- add.l #32000,screen1
- * makes screen2 = screen1, then adds 32000 to screen1
- move.l screen1,screen2
- add.l #32000,screen1
- * now we clear all the screens...
- set_scr #-1,screen3
- v_clrwk
- set_scr #-1,screen2
- v_clrwk
- set_scr #-1,screen1
- v_clrwk
- * opens the PI1 file with my screen data...
- f_open 0,f_name1,f_hand1
- * gets resolution and sets it...
- f_read #mode2,#2,f_hand1
- rez mode2
- * gets palette and sets it...
- f_read #palette,#32,f_hand1
- set_palette palette
- * reads in screen data and displays it...only 9600 bytes/60 scan lines
- f_read screen1,#9600,f_hand1
- * closes file...
- f_close f_hand1
- * Sets up MFDB1
- move.l screen1,address1
- move.w #320,widthnpix1
- move.w #200,heightnpix1
- move.w #20,widthnwords1
- move.w #1,formflag1
- move.w #4,numofplanes1
- move.l #0,reserveda1
- move.l #0,reservedb1
- * Sets up MFDB2
- move.l screen2,address2
- move.w #320,widthnpix2
- move.w #200,heightnpix2
- move.w #20,widthnwords2
- move.w #1,formflag2
- move.w #4,numofplanes2
- move.l #0,reserveda2
- move.l #0,reservedb2
- * Sets up MFDB3
- move.l screen3,address3
- move.w #320,widthnpix3
- move.w #200,heightnpix3
- move.w #20,widthnwords3
- move.w #1,formflag3
- move.w #4,numofplanes3
- move.l #0,reserveda3
- move.l #0,reservedb3
- * set up variables for the rasters....
- x1 ds.w 1 upper left corner of source
- y1 dc.w 1 y1.w = 1 forever and ever....
- x2 ds.w 1 lower right corner of source
- y2 dc.w 60 y2.w = 60 forever and ever...
- x3 ds.w 1 upper left x of dest...
- y3 ds.w 1 upper left y of dest...
- x4 ds.w 1 lower right x of dest...
- y4 ds.w 1 lower right y of dest...
- * sets up our source values...
- move.w #10,d4
- move.w #4,d5
- move.w #1,x1
- move.w #49,x2
- * sets our destinations to values...
- move.w #0,x3 x3 = 0
- move.w #70,y3 y3 = 70
- move.w #47,x4 x4 = 47
- move.w #130,y4 y4 = 130
- loop1
- part1
- * moves visible raster...
- move.w x1,ptsin
- move.w y1,ptsin+2
- move.w x2,ptsin+4
- move.w y2,ptsin+6
- move.w x3,ptsin+8
- move.w y3,ptsin+10
- move.w x4,ptsin+12
- move.w y4,ptsin+14
- vro_cpyfm #3,#mfdb1,#mfdb2
- set_scr screen2,screen3
- xbcall #37,2
- xbcall #37,2
- xbcall #37,2
- v_clrwk
- * swaps screen values...
- move.l screen3,dummyL
- move.l screen2,screen3
- move.l dummyL,screen2
- * adjusts a values in MFDB2 and MFDB3 for the screen...
- move.l screen2,address2
- move.l screen3,address3
- * waits for keypress...
- * inkey
- * moves the window in the source raster...
- add.w #49,x1
- add.w #49,x2
- * adds to destination...
- add.w #4,x3
- add.w #4,x4
- cmp.w #319,x4
- bge termn8
- * loops until d5 is content with life...
- dbra d5,loop1
- * resets the screen variables...
- sub.w #98,x1
- sub.w #98,x2
- move.w #2,d5
- loop2
- * creates a new raster!
- move.w x1,ptsin
- move.w y1,ptsin+2
- move.w x2,ptsin+4
- move.w y2,ptsin+6
- move.w x3,ptsin+8
- move.w y3,ptsin+10
- move.w x4,ptsin+12
- move.w y4,ptsin+14
- vro_cpyfm #3,#mfdb1,#mfdb2
- set_scr screen2,screen3
- xbcall #37,2
- xbcall #37,2
- xbcall #37,2
- v_clrwk
- * swaps screen values...
- move.l screen3,dummyL
- move.l screen2,screen3
- move.l dummyL,screen2
- * adjusts a values in MFDB2 and MFDB3 for the screen...
- move.l screen2,address2
- move.l screen3,address3
- * waits for keypress...
- * inkey
- * moves the window in the source raster...
- sub.w #49,x1
- sub.w #49,x2
- * adds to destination...
- add.w #4,x3
- add.w #4,x4
- cmp.w #319,x4
- bge termn8
- * loops until d5 is content with life...
- dbra d5,loop2
- * resets source info...
- move.w #1,x1
- move.w #48,x2
- move.w #4,d5
- dbra d4,loop1
- termn8
- m_free m_start1
- set_palette palinfo
- set_scr orig1,orig2
- rez #1
- bra terminate
- ********************************************************************************
- include d:errors.s
- include d:terminat.s
- ********************************************************************************
- * The six files I will be messing with......
- f_name1 dc.b '\run_man.pi1',0
- * Stuff for my kinda online monitoring....by seeing output as i go!
- crlf dc.b 13,10,0 values for a cr/lf
- * Variable containing some generic palette data for the editor...
- palinfo dc.w $777,$700,$070,$000,$000,$000,$000,$000
- dc.w $000,$000,$000,$000,$000,$000,$000,$000
- * global constants
- ********************************************************************************
- * Used in the application's "startup" sequence....vroom!
- ap_id ds.w 1
- ds.l 100 stack space
- mystack ds.w 1 (stacks go backwards)
- ********************************************************************************
- * Used for m_alloc and m_free calls. I define as many of these as I think
- * I will need.....3 is about the maximum for what I plan to do!
- ram_free ds.l 1 amount of RAM in bytes
- m_start1 ds.l 1 address of first m_alloc call
- m_start2 ds.l 1 address of 2nd " " "
- m_start3 ds.l 1 address of 3rd " " "
- m_error ds.w 1 space for error
- ********************************************************************************
- * Now, some variables for file handling.......
- * I don't think I'll personally use more than 6 files at once...
- f_hand1 ds.w 1 word for file #1's handle
- f_hand2 ds.w 1 " " " " #2's " "
- f_hand3 ds.w 1 " " " " #3's " "
- f_hand4 ds.w 1 " " " " #4's " "
- f_hand5 ds.w 1 " " " " #5's " "
- f_hand6 ds.w 1 " " " " #6's " "
- fname1 ds.b 13 12 bytes terminated with a 0
- even
- file_size ds.l 1
- ********************************************************************************
- * Now.....to go thru the arduous process of creating the offsets for the
- * Line-A calls. Sure, I can call stuff thru GEM, but what if I don't want
- * to? Riiiiiiight!
- orig1 ds.l 1 ptr to original screen1
- orig2 ds.l 1 ptr to original screen2
- screen1 ds.l 1 address of screen1
- screen2 ds.l 1 address of screen2
- screen3 ds.l 1 address of screen3
- palette ds.w 16 pointer to palette
- mode1 ds.w 1 space for mode
- mode2 ds.w 1
- dummyL ds.l 1 dummy variable
- mfdb1
- address1 ds.l 1
- widthnpix1 ds.w 1
- heightnpix1 ds.w 1
- widthnwords1 ds.w 1
- formflag1 ds.w 1 usually 1
- numofplanes1 ds.w 1 number of bit planes
- reserveda1 ds.w 2 set to 0...reserved
- reservedb1 ds.w 2 " " " " " "
- reservedc1 ds.w 1 " " " " " "
- mfdb2
- address2 ds.l 1
- widthnpix2 ds.w 1
- heightnpix2 ds.w 1
- widthnwords2 ds.w 1
- formflag2 ds.w 1 usually 1
- numofplanes2 ds.w 1 number of bit planes
- reserveda2 ds.w 2 set to 0...reserved
- reservedb2 ds.w 2 " " " " " "
- reservedc2 ds.w 1 " " " " " "
- mfdb3
- address3 ds.l 1
- widthnpix3 ds.w 1
- heightnpix3 ds.w 1
- widthnwords3 ds.w 1
- formflag3 ds.w 1 usually 1
- numofplanes3 ds.w 1 number of bit planes
- reserveda3 ds.w 2 set to 0...reserved
- reservedb3 ds.w 2 " " " " " "
- reservedc3 ds.w 1 " " " " " "
- * if not linking then include the run-times
- include d:aeslib.s
- include d:vdilib.s